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Where real estate is concerned, it's said that the three most important considerations a prospective purchaser should bear in mind are location, location, location. Where antivirus/ malware 'suites' are concerned, it's provenance, provenance, provenance.
In that respect, AdAware certainly has it aplenty: it's been around for years, though as LavaSoft, its developer, would be the first to admit, the era when AdAware AntiSpyware justifiably dominated the freeware sector is now long gone. Today's promotion, however, is far more than an offering of a tried and trusted single-purpose app; rather, it's a compendium of different apps, brought together in what should, theoretically, be a persuasive tool-set.
Two problems unfortunately crop up when suites of this type are bundled together: (1) just because one of the parts may be good, that doesn't necessarily mean that the sum of all parts will be; and (2) imposition of a recurring annual license -- which just about all developers in this sector have adopted, including Malwarebytes -- means that prospective users need to be especially careful that they're getting the best protection possible because they're legitimately entitled to the best value for money possible.
Lavasoft's difficulty here -- and it's an entirely self-imposed difficulty -- is that having teamed its well-known anti-spyware product to others of more recent invention, it continues to decline to submit its work to independent laboratory testing:
and instead wishes you to believe what it says about itself. That's especially unfortunate right now, seeing as AV Labs has just put no less than 21 of these 'security suites' under the microscope. . . but there's no sign of the LavaSoft product.
The company's failure to submit to independent testing doesn't, of course, mean that the claims it makes for itself aren't true. But it raises a massive question mark about the wisdom of buying blind, a question which never arises in the freeware sector where if something doesn't work, there's no financial loss.
As an ancillary to that, there's also the issue -- with products of this specific nature -- as to just how well the ordinary everyday consumer can actually evaluate them, because the level of knowledge required and the sheer scale of research expertise that must necessarily be applied is going to be far, far beyond their own individual skill-sets. All they can do is check out reports such as those from testing labs like AV Test install and try to make an informed judgment on the facts available.
For all those reasons, then, I have to thank both GAOTD and LavaSoft for today's offer of what is, effectively, a six-month free trial, but have to say no thanks because this product, though from a producer of established provenance, has no actual, proven provenance of its own.
There's also the fact that even in today's world of AV annual licensing, some of the absolute best combinations of freeware are still available to protect the average user's computer, most notably (in my experience):
Antivirus: either Avira Free AV, or Panda Cloud AV
teamed with Malwarebytes Free:
and the irreplaceable Scottie of WinPatrol Free:
All three (be Panda or Avira the AV choice) play perfectly well together, a 'suite' of proven calibre which costs not a penny to purchase nor a penny to keep, year on year, and can be put together by even the most novice computer user: download, install. . . and that's that.

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Reply | Comment by MikeR 3 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(+146)

'the irreplaceable Scottie of WinPatrol Free:'.
So true; an unobtrusive little program that can save you from endless problems, actions of which you would normally be unaware.
These include attempts to add themselves to your startup programs, hijacking of file association.
If you don't have it you should get it.

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  • Windows 8.1 BIOS OEM Product Key blocked - reason for blocking and how to fix it? Hello and thank you in advance. Upon resetting my Windows 8.1 Pro laptop to its factory settings after a year of use, its activation status was lost and I was unable to re-activate.

Hi, Windows 10 from an upgrade (your home to home) does not need a key. If you are trying re-upgrade to 8.1 home to Windows 10 home and then to pro you will need that key for the pro to be activated.

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Reply | Comment by XP-Man 3 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(+63)

Thank you MikeR for your yet another very informative comment.
The readers though should exercise caution when downloading winpatrol.
There is a new owner now of winpatrol, and the download you linked to, is not virustotal clean.
But one can get an older, and still very popular and clean version of it named winpatrol1112007 from here:
Thanks again, MikeR, for your great contributions to this site.

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Reply | Comment by consuella 3 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(+20)

'the irreplaceable Scottie of WinPatrol Free'
TERRIBLE program. When I had it installed, it would warn me that some program was asking to write things to the registry LONG after the program had already written things to the registry and there was nothing I could do about it. What ON EARTH is the point of that??
Uninstalled it within days of installing it. Just annoying, serving NO purpose.

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Reply | Comment by DD 3 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(-6)

Re comment by DD: I always try to make it clear in any comment I post here that I speak only from my own personal experience. Other's mileage may be different. I'm sorry your own experience of WinPatrol hasn't been a good one, though have to say that I honestly don't recognise it based on my own years of usage of this product in both free and paid-for versions.
The only times WinPatrol has flagged up a behavioural alert -- in my experience -- in regard to a known, existing app or known, existing program is when that app or program is seeking to make a one-time update. . . or when Scottie has barked to let me know that, for some reason, there's something wrong out there . . .
WinPatrol is installed in (literally) hundreds of thousands of computers worldwide. I truly cannot reconcile the sheer scale of that usage, as well as WinPatrol's enviable longevity, with the word TERRIBLE.

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Reply | Comment by MikeR 3 years ago Did you find this comment useful?yes|no(+14)
Learning has never been so easy!

Having been on Microsoft Office 365 for a few months now, we started to notice that when users who had activated software on a PC were removed from Office 365, the software would go into 'grace period' and would continually notify the new user of the PC that there was a problem. The trouble was I could not figure out how to reassign the software license to the new user. Finally I have found steps that will accomplish this without having to repair/reinstall office.

5 Steps total

Step 1: Open Command Prompt on PC

Stop Ad Pro Serial Key Replacement

Open a Command Prompt window, and then take one of the following actions:

• If you installed the 64-bit version of Office 2016, move to the following folder: C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice16
• If you installed the 32-bit version of Office 2016, move to the following folder: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice16

Step 2: Display the Current License(s)

Type the following command to display the license status. Note the last five characters of any and all license keys that display in the output:

cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus

Step 3: Remove the License(s)

Now run the following command as many times as needed to remove all of the license keys you noted from the previous step.

cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:

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Step 4: Restart the Computer

Once the remove commands are successfull, close the command prompt and restart the PC.

Step 5: Reactivate MS Office 2016 with New Account

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Launch one of the MS Office 2016 applications (I like to use Word). The application should prompt you to reactivate the by providing your sign-on ID. Enter in the new user's credentials and the software will now be licensed under their ID.

This should also work on 2013 if you modify the path to end with 'Office15'

Published: Sep 04, 2013 · Last Updated: Jul 27, 2018


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  • Sonora
    lueo Jan 4, 2014 at 07:01am

    Trying to find a way to remove expired license of O365 for 2 days, even Microsoft didn't provide a comprehensive way to remove it.

    Your method works great for me. Thanks for sharing!

  • Pimiento
    Amr9983 Jan 17, 2014 at 04:47pm

    Step 5 didnt work with me so i would do this instead
    cscript ospp.vbs /inpkey:value
    Install a product key (replaces existing key) with user-provided product key. Value parameter applies.

  • Jalapeno
    mtndewwatkins Jan 22, 2014 at 09:27pm

    Thanks a bunch this is super important for any version of Office when use acronis our keys get mixed up on a reformat, but this saved me the hassle of uninstalling and re installing office.

  • Jalapeno
    Tdawg1982 May 9, 2014 at 06:10pm

    Anyone have an idea on a way to script this out and run across a network?

  • Serrano
    Under Dog May 22, 2014 at 07:10pm

    So is this how home users are regulated when they are terminated or move to another company? Will their software enter a grace period and then stop working? That would be great.

  • Habanero
    Lauren7060 May 22, 2014 at 07:13pm

    Yes, there is a grace period. I am forgetting how long, but I want to say 90 days?! Once the grace period is up they have the choice of using it in limited mode or entering their own activation key.

  • Pimiento
    renxxxx May 31, 2014 at 02:14am

    I'm new to this , I opened command promp, next to what originally pops up C:Usersxxxx> I did not skp a space I continued to put in as seen here C:Usersxxxx>C:Program FilesMicrosoftOfficeOffice15 Then I hit enter, I tried the 64bit 1st then the 32bit I get both with error saying, is not recongnized as an internal or external command. operable program or batch file, I even tried after the C:Usersxxxx> separating the MicrosoftOfficeOffice15 to Microsoft OfficeOffice15 still does not work. any help please.
    If you can help with this please shoot me an email at just2wicked2008 @ I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks

  • Pimiento
    wayneng Aug 6, 2014 at 12:07am

    I accidentally registered/associated an Office 2013 product key to my Microsoft account. The software has not been installed on my computer.

    So I should skip Steps 1 to 4 ?
    But the software is not installed, so I can't really follow Step 5 ?

  • Sonora
    James Montz Aug 8, 2014 at 07:51pm

    Saved me a lot of work and time. Thank you for contributing.

  • Habanero
    Lauren7060 Aug 11, 2014 at 12:36pm

    wayneng - you should be able to remove the association on your account through the Office365 portal ( Under software it shows the systems it is installed on and then you can 'remove' any of the systems from there. This does not uninstall the software (which is fine in your case) it just deactivates that license.

  • Pimiento
    Jason Mack Oct 14, 2014 at 02:44pm

    Thank you! This worked great because my HUP Office Pro showed an activated license and trial license under the Account tab. I used your instructions to remove the trial license.

  • Pimiento
    kellygreen2 Oct 21, 2014 at 09:39am

    Well, thanks very much. But what I use is the SmartKey Product Key Recovery and it works for me. You can google search 'smartkey product key recovery' to find more details about it.

  • Pimiento
    sweettie Nov 24, 2014 at 04:45am

    Very easy to download microsoft 2013 and it works 100%,just only search @@@windows 8.1 key sale@@@ on bing.

  • Pimiento
    johndoe26 Jan 5, 2015 at 07:40pm

    The following script will find the product key for O365 (ProPlus in this case) and unlicensed the product. Its in powershell so you can invoke-command it against a remote workstation as you need to by doing the following from a PS prompt:

    invoke-command -computername -credential (get-credential) -filepath

    *** the credential portion will ask you for credentials make sure the ones you use have admin rights on the workstation ***

    Here is the script:

    # store the license info into an array
    $license = cscript ‘C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15OSPP.VBS’ /dstatus

    #license name from /dstatus
    $o365 = “OfficeO365ProPlusR_Subscription1 edition”

    #loop till the end of the array searching for the $o365 string
    for ($i=0; $i -lt $license.Length; $i++){

    if ($license[$i] -match $o365){

    $i += 6 #jumping six lines to get to the product key line in the array, check output of dstatus and adjust as needed for the product you are removing
    $keyline = $license[$i] # extra step but i would rather deal with the variable as a string than an array, could be removed i guess, efficiency is not my concern
    $prodkey = $keyline.substring($keyline.length – 5, 5) # getting the last 5 characters of the line (prodkey)


    #removing the key from the workstation
    cscript ‘C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice15OSPP.VBS’ /unpkey:$prodkey

  • Pimiento
    jjstephens Jul 1, 2015 at 09:41am

    Good Day please help i have no idea how to do the script stuff and i cant really do it so i need to fix his outlook please make it easy for me

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